In 2021 LAZZERI has introduced new genetics of interspecific geraniums named “AMAZONIA”, with 18 varieties divided in 4 groups by different types and uses.
For the season 2022 Lazzeri adds other 13 new varieties of interspecific, with a total of 31 varieties, divided in 6 groups, completing the series AMAZONIA.
For Lazzeri it is an important introduction into the world of interspecific geraniums, that is constantly evolving.
Below some information about characteristics and groups
The characteristics common to all groups of are:
Ø Uniformity/homogeneity in the group
Ø Uniform size of flowers in the group
Ø Lasting flowering, self-cleaning and resistant to heat
Ø Easy maintenance and excellent performance in outside conditions
Amazonia is divided in 6 groups:
Group 1 – Guaranai = interspecific peltatum type / dark leave/ semi-standing/ compact growth
Group 2 – Tunaka = interspecific peltatum type / green leave/ semi-hanging/ middle-strong growth
Group 3 – Xingu = interspecific peltatum type / green leave / hanging / strong growth
Group 4 – Tupari = interspecific peltatum type / green zoned leave / hanging / middle-strong growth
Group 5 – Kanidè = interspecific zonale type / green zoned leave / standing / strong growth
Group 6 – Ticuna = interspecific zonale type / green zoned leave / semi-hanging / strong growth